How to build a business case for your new learning platform


In your eyes, the case is clear: your learners need the best. Yet even when learning is high on the strategic agenda, it can be challenging to convince senior stakeholders to commit to the budget your learners deserve.

So how do you help them see the future, where the 45% of people who’d move jobs for better learning,正在向你走来? Where your online learning platform is at the heart of a business-wide 学习文化?

一切从学习开始. Learning where your organization is headed, 您现有的工具是如何执行的, 你的员工怎么想. 并利用这些数据来证明改变的合理性.

Here are the 8 steps to building a bullet-proof business case for your learning platform.


At this stage, your job is to underst和:


“We’re a scale-up, moving from 150 to 500 people in the next year. So we’re going to hit an inflection point. Once we do, we’ll need a scalable way to onboard, engage, 和 develop new hires.

We’re based in London 和 we love the hybrid working model. We’re a much more diverse team because of it, but some staff never come to the office. 我们如何确保每个人都有归属感?

In 5 years, we’ll still be async, with 5,000 people across the globe. 我们将在欧洲、中东和非洲地区设立办事处. The pressure to retain 和 attract top-quality talent will be extremely high. Learning has got sync with the employee’s own pace. If we make another pivot, we’d need to upskill 和 reskill a lot of people. How do we prepare them for embracing change 和 ensure they reach their full potential'?”

我们不能 预测未来,但我们可以为此做好准备. The more you know how your organization could evolve, the easier it is to assess which providers will support you best on that journey.


Even if you don’t have a platform, learning is happening in your organization. 这种学习是什么样的呢? 它对团队的服务有多好? Here are some questions to help you underst和 your baseline.




Once you have the answers to these questions, compare your findings to the business scenario you uncovered in step one. Will your existing learning platform or current initiatives help you reach those 5-year goals?


发现 is a process that agile product teams use to help them build the right things for their customers. 这个过程的关键是客户调查.

在L&D,我们的客户是我们的学习者. The better we underst和 their world, the greater our chances of choosing the 正确的数字学习平台.

This is where quantitative 和 qualitative data come in. The quantitative data show you what your customers are doing or thinking. For example, how much learners use or appreciate the learning program you have today. Qualitative data tell you why they behave 和 think the way they do. Together, these data can provide 强大的 evidence for change.


Surveying is a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with HR or Marketing. And you don’t need an advanced HR stack to do it. 一个快速 谷歌形式, typeform 或者Slack的民意调查通常就能做到.


在你调查的最后, invite employees to leave an email address if they would like to participate in follow-up interviews.

Get qualitative - find personal stories that resonate

1:1 interviews are more than a research tool. 他们告诉你的员工,L&D cares 和 takes their feedback seriously. Aim to hold at least 5, so that you can start to uncover recurring themes.


Ask an extra why at every opportunity; it’s where the golden insights lie. And remember: the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. If you ask how likely someone would be to do something in the future, they will give more optimistic or socially acceptable answers.

最后但并非最不重要的是,做大量的笔记. These quotes 和 stories will play a 强大的 role in your business case story—which we’ll come to in step 8.


Once you’ve interviewed your customers (employees), it’s time to 与同事合作. The stakeholder workshop is an ideal format. You can gather representative leaders from all core functions. Collectively explore how you work with skills development now, 和 what will be needed to deliver the business’s mission.

Workshop questions to explore current 和 future skills

Workshop questions to explore current 和 future partnerships

小贴士:试试 100美元的运动. It’s a fun way to underst和 where your colleagues would prioritize spending, 和 why.

After the workshop, look for recurring themes. Just as with your employee interviews, you’ll want these in your business case.


电子学习市场价值连天 2021年将达到3150亿美元. 有很多供应商. 你该如何评价他们? When assessing who to shortlist, make sure to compare:

Behind every great platform is a team of people. 这些人是你想要共事的吗? This question is more important than you think.

Demo providers with your highest-impact team

你面试过你的员工. Now it’s time to get them in on the action 和 let them try the 你正在考虑的平台.

Using your highest-performing team is a great tactic. Present the team with your shortlist of providers, explaining the benefits 和 limitations of each. Listen to 和 underst和 what this team needs from a digital learning platform, what high quality courses look like to them, 让他们来指导每个供应商, 以及他们喜欢的反馈.

If you’ve chosen your shortlist well, you should be happy to work with any provider on the list. 让证据, 奖状, 和 feedback from this highly engaged team narrow that list down to a clear winner.


In any negotiation, your audience needs to know the cost of inertia. Even with all the positive examples you present, you need to be able to demonstrate how inactivity will damage the business.


"It currently takes us 3 months to onboard 和 skill new Sales Development Reps (SDR). 每SDR要花费我们XXXX英镑. With an agile online learning platform, that 与我们的人力资源技术堆栈集成,我们可以:

  1. 为每个SDR量身定制培训, meaning only necessary trainings are allocated, 减少总训练时间20%
  2. Provide HR with insights about each SDR, reducing review prep time by 15%
  3. Update SDR training in real time, saving 1 month staff time every year"

Time 和 cost savings like these are hard to ignore. If you’re struggling to run the numbers, call in a favor from Finance. After all, these figures will benefit them too in the long run.


要说服他们,数字是不够的. To make your final business case document or presentation, 你需要一个合乎逻辑的故事, 强大的, 和令人信服的.

Here’s how you bring together everything you learnt through the previous steps.










一个结构化的故事会给你信心, shows your budget holders they are in safe h和s, 展示你的专业知识. You don’t have to build that story alone—ask your new learning platform provider for the support you need to get it pitch perfect.

Secure the learning platform your teams deserve

可靠的数据和细致入微的故事. That’s what lies behind a brilliant business case. It takes a lot of learning to get there, but that’s what L&D做得最好。.


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