

The CPO has the second-hardest job in the 管理层. 首席人事官(CPO)必须了解高管层同事的职能, take organizational targets 和 goals, 和 reverse engineer them into departments 和 jobs. We’re accountable for productivity. 在公司应对复杂的社会和外部因素时,我们是他们的代言人, all while growing profitability 和 treating people well. 这份工作需要对人的热爱、强烈的好奇心和商业头脑. And it’s only getting more complicated.

I’m 拉尔斯•施密特,创始人 放大, an HR executive search 和 leadership development consultancy. I’m a contributor to Fast 公司, IESE客座教授, 领英学习导师, 和 I host the LinkedIn Presents: 重新定义工作 播客. You could say I’m an advocate for advancing the world of work.

通过我的工作,我发现优秀的人力资源是每个领先企业的增长催化剂. 我们的作用只会在战略重要性和范围上继续增长. 但为了提供最具影响力的工作,我们需要使用高管的语言. To nurture our 学习ing agility 和 network equity, so every action we take is building our organizations, 以及我们的事业.


不幸的是,人力资源部门仍然抱有“遵守”和“遵守规则”的刻板印象。. For too long, we’ve been seen as ‘policy cops’. 但我们的学科在不断发展. 快速晋升为首席执行官意味着今天的首席运营官并没有放慢脚步. 让我们更详细地了解首席人事官现在和未来的角色.


我们生活和工作在一个 VUCA世界. Uncertainty is everyone’s new baseline. This creates anxiety that permeates every part of our lives. cpo必须将这种不确定性的现实与实际的业务成果联系起来. Our role is both critical 和 complex.

Our expertise spans the expertise of the 管理层. 今天的CPO像首席收入官一样理解市场走向(GTM)战略, 像CMO一样进行市场定位, 和像CIO一样的技术战略.

HR weaves together these complex 和 sometimes competing interests. And we need to get better at telling our stories. We need to be a vocal part of the 管理层—now.


当我们将每个人力资源决策与业务需求结合起来时,就会发挥我们的可见性和影响力. 我们通过获得商业头脑和优先考虑我们的关系来实现这一目标.


Business acumen isn’t necessarily new, 但在过去的几年里,随着我们驾驭当今复杂的工作世界,它被放大了.

It’s not enough to just know your craft or underst和 the business. 您需要一系列的数据输入,以了解在更广阔的世界中正在发生什么,以及这可能如何影响您的业务, 你的员工, 你的员工, 和 the talent you're trying to recruit.


首席财务官犯的一个根本错误是,他们认为高管层的成员只会理解人力资源的作用. But if you want to be successful, 你必须采取主动, 有效沟通, 说他们的语言.

Imagine your 首席执行官 announces an ambitious scale target, 和 you don’t have the right employees to make this happen. Your HR tech stack is out of date. And your TAs have told you that the bonus structure needs refreshing. 你是做什么的??

你展示了现实. 你告诉首席财务官,人力资源部已经在忙两个大项目,你已经满负荷了. Explain what you're funded to deliver. 要绝对清楚. If your CFO is asking you to scale hiring, 它要么需要为新的技术堆栈和新的助教奖金结构提供资金, or you’ll need to carve something out to make space for that. Ask the CFO to choose—of the two options, which is their choice?

这个简单的, 事务性语言帮助首席执行官和CFO理解他们的决策在现实中是什么样子的. Stake your claim for the resources HR deserves. Don’t allow others to dismiss your experience. Build the relationships that can bring your vision to life.


Your most important relationship is with your 首席执行官. Prioritize that relationship over everything else, even your team. That doesn’t mean neglecting your team! But if you don't have the trusted advisor relationship with your 首席执行官, realizing your vision 和 impact could become impossible.

When we’re thinking about relationships, it’s helpful to cascade them. 我建议优先考虑与首席执行官的关系,然后再考虑高管层. 你的团队和员工都很重要,但如果我们想要获得预算并为我们团队需要的项目买单, we need the trust 和 support of our 首席执行官 和 管理层 peers. Thinking about your time this way is strategic. 当你的主要关系强大时,每个项目都有更高的成功机会.

It’s important to keep clear lines with your 首席执行官. 不要靠得太近. A 管理层 member sometimes needs to be a truth teller. That can mean protecting the 首席执行官 from themselves. 通过提供数据和解决问题的替代方法,您可以影响巨大的变化.

Let’s revisit our imaginary scaling targets. To achieve the new staffing rates, you need a new HR tech stack. A CPO could navigate each relationship in the following ways.


建立投资成本模型. 展示投资将如何使员工达到组织范围的目标.


Demonstrate how the new stack would specifically benefit each or their teams, in addition to organization-wide productivity.


Communicate honestly about your strategy. 提醒他们你对他们能力的信心,以及你对获得一流工具的承诺.


新技术需要社交. 考虑新技术对员工的影响,以及如何与员工沟通这些变化. Co-create this communication with them, 和 for them.


Your tech needs to go-to-market strategy

读文章 夏天的庆祝活动

作为首席执行官值得信赖的顾问,执行你的战略想法会更容易. But these ideas don’t come from a void. They come from your commitment to investing in your curiosity.

A CPO should be a little selfish

It’s not just about the business. There’s a certain amount of personal acumen to infuse in the CPO role. 未来的首席营销官需要对人、对学习、对世界有一种内在的好奇心.

We do this by honing our 学习ing agility, 和 building our network equity.


Learning agility is our ability to distill, 学习, 合成, 和 implement new ideas to shape our success as a function. Ideally, we’re one step ahead of the 管理层. 我们对每位员工的工作、安全和福祉负责. We cannot afford to be uninformed.

为了提高你的学习敏捷性,每周在你的日历上留出至少30分钟. Don't let people move it, change it, or book another meeting at that time. 为时间辩护. Use it to read the articles you saved on LinkedIn, or listen to that 播客. 也许边走边听. 加深你的知识. 充实你的大脑.

我们通过学习在自己身上投入的时间会为我们的公司带来回报, 为自己, 对于我们的团队. It’s so easy to put our deliverables first. 但如果你不为自己腾出空间,你将很难跟上.

探索 Generative AI tools like ChatGPT. These tools are changing everything. 无论你花多少时间在学习和试验这些工具上,都是一个巨大的力量倍增器.


当你有一个广泛而多样的可信赖的顾问网络时,你更容易度过复杂的时期. 我称之为“网络权益”.

这是一种深思熟虑的方法,可以在你的学科内外培养一个多样化的人际网络. 我们生活在一个全球网络中,我们的力量来自于我们能够获得的知识和技能.

想象一下,你发现了一种可能对你的员工产生重大影响的新兴趋势. You want to forecast the potential implications quickly. But you don’t know where to start. And you don’t have time to waste.

记住——在你的关系网中,你知道有两三个人做过同样的事情. 打电话给他们. 寻求他们的智慧. Ask them about the l和mines to be aware of, or templates they might share. It's a game changer, a 10x magnifier on your impact on the business.

我们在工作中的价值不仅仅在于我们头脑中或手中掌握的知识或技能. It's about the knowledge that we have access to. 是我们认识的人. The problems we can solve together. The skills we share with each other. It’s how we’ll manage every upcoming change on our horizon.

To help leaders build their 学习ing agility 和 network equity, I created 扩大学院. 放大学院正在通过同行社区改变人力资源从业者发展职业的方式, bwin足球平台学习实验室, 和 leadership development cohorts. Together with our HR Executive Search practice, 这些平台支持我们的使命,即通过提升人力资源领域来建设一个更美好的工作世界.

Tomorrow’s CPO will continue being a driving force for their organizations. 他们对人力资源和商业智慧的掌握将消除传统的刻板印象,并将人力资源领域重塑为业务的推动力.


Unlocking 学习ing beyond the corporate LMS

了解更多 about the future of knowledge 夏天的庆祝活动
























